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Thursday, April 24, 2003

YIMSA : Autumn Gathering 2003 a.k.a SANLAT

YIMSA (Young Indonesian Muslim Students' Association) tahun ini untuk yang kedua kalinya kembali mengadakan Autumn Gathering atau yang oleh orang Indonesia biasa disebut Pesantren Kilat. Sanlat YIMSA yang kedua ini diadakan di Golden Valleys Lodge, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. Tempatnya indah, hijau dan segar, pokoknya sangat natural sekali deh. Selain itu Golden Valleys Lodge yang luasnya 73 hektar itu dikelilingi oleh National Park, so no wonder kalau dimana-mana yang ada hanya hijau nan sejuk di mata. Bila pagi datang masih dengan kabut tebalnya, bakal banyak kangguru dan native animals lainnya yang datang mendekati lodge malah kata pemiliknya bila lodge sedang kosong maka native animals itu bakal datang berkunjung ke lodge. Subhanallah, alam, manusia dan binatang bisa hidup berdampingan dan rukun. Dan kalau malam tiba bakal banyak bintang-bintang di langit. Huaaaaaaa...... pokoknya super indah apalagi di dukung dengan udara yang dinginnya pas banget.

Selain alamnya yang membuat kita tersadar akan indahnya ciptaan Allah, Azza wa Jalla, di sanlat juga ada kegiatan seperti lecture dan mentoring yang insyaAllah makin membuat mantap kadar keimanan kita sebagai seorang Muslim. Para lecturer dan mentor yang berpengalaman seperti Pak Tarwadi, Pak Eko, Bang Nurdin, Mas Yoga, Mas Munir, Mulqi, Mbak Irma, Mbak Dina, Mbak Iffah dan Mbak Ira membuat sanlat semakin menarik untuk diikuti. Temanya yang berjudul "Menggapai Rahmat dan Ampunan Allah" juga pas banget untuk kaum muda-mudi Muslim di Melbourne yang dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari penuh dengan segala macam tantangan dan godaan duniawi. Di sanlat, kita juga bermain banyak game baik indoor maupun outbond yang kesemuanya insyaAllah fun, membutuhkan kerjasama team dan juga mengasah otak kita.

Yang lebih seru lagi, tahun ini sanlatnya di gabung dengan AGM (Annual General Meeting) YIMSA yang ke 7 dimana diadakan pemilihan president YIMSA periode 2003/2004. Ada empat calon yang tampil yang telah di godok matang oleh para Dewan Syura yaitu (1) Andi (2) Teguh (3) Deddy dan (4) Jaka. Setelah diadakan pemungutan suara, akhirnya terpilihnya Andi sebagai President YIMSA menggantikan Ihsan, President YIMSA periode 2002/2003. Wahhhhhh...... SELAMAT ya, Ndi :) Selamat juga buat Ican (=Ihsan), karena dibawah kepemimpinannya YIMSA berjalan dengan baik. Selanjutnya, semoga dibawah pimpinan Andi, YIMSA akan menjadi lebih besar dan lebih baik serta makin dapat memperkuat Ukhuwah Islamiyah antar sesama Muslim di Melbourne pada khususnya dan kaum Muslim di belahan dunia manapun pada umumnya seperti visi dan misinya Andi. Terakhir dari sanlat adalah BBQ yang diadakan di Arthur Seat. Seru banget dan gue jamin setelah BBQ an baju, rambut, hijab and bla bla bla loe semua bau kambing. Hehehe... karena kita bakar-bakar kambing, sapi dan ayam. Last but not least, semoga semua dari kita yang mengikuti sanlat mendapat manfaat dan terutama rahmat dari Allah SWT. Jazakallah Khairan Katsira.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Detak Detik

Kemarin, malam Melbourne yang dingin membuat gue terjaga sampai pagi. Sekarang memang masih musim gugur tapi dinginnya sudah seperti musim dingin. Ah, cuaca di Melbourne memang tidak bisa diprediksi. Dalam satu hari saja, kadang-kadang bisa lengkap tuh empat musim. Pagi-pagi serasa musim semi, agak siangan dikit jadi musim panas, sorean mulai agak segar seperti musim gugur dan malamnya bisa dingin menggigit seperti musim dingin. Gue sendiri paling suka sama musim gugur, indah aja kalau lihat daun-daun berguguran. Karena gak bisa tidur dan yang ada di kepala gue hanya kata-kata yang pengennnnn banget dikeluarkan, ya sudah akhirnya gue bikin puisi aja. Puisinya berjudul "Detak Detik". Puisi itu terinspirasi oleh detak detik jam gue. Gini nih isinya:

Detak detik waktu
Menari satu
Lingkari putaran kalbu
Hidupkan aku

Dentang denting melodi
Bernyanyi dini
Selimuti gejolak mimpi
Bangunkan diri

Fajar pagi menyongsong
Gantikan surya senja
Mata menatap kosong
Gundah melanda jiwa

Bimbang hati henti
Limbung rasa masa
Indah menanti pasti
Hapuskan duka lara

Melbourne, 16 April 2003 12:58AM

Monday, April 14, 2003


Alhamdulillah... Finally I can get rid of this virus. Thanks to Allah SWT, Azza wa Jalla for introducing me with that sort of virus so that now I know what virus is. Thanks to Paul too for helping me. Eventhough it costs me HEAPS!!! 100 bucks men!! I could've use it to go to AIESEC's SLDS 2003. Never mind. As long as I still can use my sweet TOSHI :) Anyway, I'll talk about the virus today. The virus that hit my TOSHI called HTML.Redlof.A. According to Andre Post, HTML.Redlof.A is "a polymorphic, encrypted, Visual Basic Script virus that infects .html, .htm, .asp, .php, .jsp, and .vbs files on all drives. Depending on the location of the Windows System folder, the virus copies itself to either %windir%\System\Kernel.dll or %windir%\System\Kernel32.dll. It changes the default association for .dll files." I have got this virus from one of my friend when she went to my first website. I thought it's alright but then its getting worse. This virus also known as VBS/Redlof@M by McAfee or VBS/Redlof-A by Shopos. This virus affects all Windows systems but does not affect UNIX and Linux. The virus will insert itself into all e-mail messages created by an infected user, just like me for example. However, I am not using Outlook Expresss to send my e-mail. Therefore, I haven't spread the virus yet. Before, I can't be bothered to update my anti-virus software but since now I supposed I should be. Hehehe... :)

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Kelabu dan Biru

Gundah rasa hati
Sekelabu warna abu
Ku kira pasti
Mampuku hidupkan duniamu

Warna pelangi hari
Ingkari basah bumi
Rasa hati mati
Tahu ku akan kau mentari

Bintang jatuh di kalbu
Meremukkan asa rasa biru
Jangan pernah karena ku
Tidak juga akan mimpiku

Maafkan akan galau itu
Sungguh itu bukan maksudku
Inginku hanya satu

Saturday, April 12, 2003

London: The Historical City

Couple days ago, my parents was going to London to visit my auntie. Her daughter will celebrate her first anniversary this April. I feel like I wanted to sleep and continue my day dreaming. Since I was 11, I began know what is London. My Mom always tell me how is London look like and since then I fall in love to London. I dream that someday I can study there in one of the best yellow bricks univeristy. The one that I want to go is The London School of Economics and Political Science. LSE call themself as unique and unusual university. I can understand that because to be able to go there you need to be bloody clever with an outstanding GPA. LSE campus is located in the urban area in the middle of London city. Can you imagine how much it will cost you for a month? I'd rather not to compare it with Rupiah otherwise you will cry.

From the prospectus that I saw couple years back, the library is absolutely excellent. They call it as the world's largest social sciences library but I prefer to call it as an antique library. It just because I feel that I went back to the beginning of the 19th century. Well, at least 19th century scene that is in my mind from the images that I saw in some movies. Anyway, that makes me started to think how important the library appearence is. Sometimes, the beauty of archithecture will enforce me to be able to concentrate in my study. I don't know why. But I reckon it just because I think that if a person can make something that brilliant in this world, what can I contribute to this world as the creativity of mine? Well, I reckon only time can answer this question.

Friday, April 11, 2003

My Girl: The True Friendship

Have you ever heard about My Girl or My Girl 2 ? They are my long lasting movies. My Girl talks about family and friendship that never ending. A story of friendship that would stay in our hearts forever. It's all about 11-year-old Vada (Anna Chlumsky), when she has her first kiss, her first crush and even her first period. Thomas J. (Macaulay Culkin )was the boy who was kissed by her for the first time. Vada even taught him how to kiss. This funny moment happened near the lake which absolutely romantic. Thomas J. was Vada's only friend, because Vada was a tomboy therefore she didn't have any girl friend. They always went out together until the day when Thomas J. went to forest to look for Vada's oval black ring that was lost before. Unfortunately, Thomas J. was stung by bees. He then died and Anna was lost him, the best friend ever. Thomas J.'s Mom gave Vada's the ring as an order from Thomas J. before he died. Finally, the mood ring was changing the colour into blue. Just as blue as Vada's feeling. My Girl is really inspiring me almost in my whole life. I remember I watched them several times with the old fashion laser disc when I was in year 6. I was waiting for the VCD to come out in Indonesia but that never happen. Today, incidentally I went to K-Mart which just near by from my house and I surprisingly found the DVD of both My Girl and My Girl 2. Rushly, I bought it. I can't wait to see it again just after eight years. I realise the time was just goes by quickly. From now on, I don't want to miss the true friendship that the value of it I seldom known until the day I lost one.

Vada Sultenfuss' poem for Thomas James Sennett:
Weeping willow with your tears running down
Why do you always weep and frown?
Is it because he left you one day?
Is it because he could not stay?
On your branches he would swing
Do you long for the happiness?
That day would bring
He found shelter in your shade
You thought his laughter would never fade
Weeping willow stop your tears
For there is something to calm your fears
You think death has ripped you forever apart
But I know he'll always be in your heart

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Alhamdulillah. Layout barunya akhirnya selesai juga ditengah-tengah sambil belajar Introduction to Finance. Mohon maaf kalau masih ada kekurangan di website gue ini. Maklum lah baru pertama kali bikin website. Masih banyak yang harus gue benerin disana-sini. Kalau ada yang udah jago, ya mbok ya saya diajari tho! Ntar kalo abis mid semester test gue benerin lagi deh. Enjoy my blog and hope you'll like it!!!

Monday, April 07, 2003

Backie Back

I am backie back today...!!! Rahasia ya... Akhirnya sodara-sodara, lecture Intermediate Microeconomics hari ini gue agak ngerti bin nyambung. Alhamdulillah bangettttt. Hehehe.... Begitu juga dengan tutorial Data Modelling and Computing gue. Kamis besok gue mid-semester test Intro to Finance nih... Dan gue belom menyentuhnya sama sekali sampai detik ini. Helpppp me.... !!!! Oh iya.... sekalian promosi nih... Ayo.. ayo... pada ikutan YIMSA's AUTUMN GATHERING 2003 alias SANLAT. Cuma $45, udah termasuk akomodasi dan makan. Ayoooo.... tempat terbatas!!! Hehehe....

Sunday, April 06, 2003

New Blog

Alhamdulillah...... akhirnya blog ku yang satu ini selesai juga. First of all, thanks to Allah SWT, The Almighty. Yang telah memberikan sedikit ilmu kepada hamba.
Thanks to my Mum and Dad. Yang gak tau kalo gue bikin web. Kalo tau gue bisa dimarahin kali karena jadi gak belajar. Hehehe.... Thanks to Oskie and Obbie. Me little bro and sis =) I miss them. A lot! Thanks to Kak Acay. Yang meskipun sibuk tapi tetep mau bantuin gue. Huaaaaaaaaa.............. now it's my time to study.I haven't done my tute yet, for tomorrow morning.