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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Untuk Papa yang Tersayang

Untuk Papa yang Tersayang

Hari berlalu begitu cepat
Rasanya baru kemarin
Papa berada di tengah-tengah kami
Mengayomi kami
Melindungi kami
Menyayangi kami
Bercanda bersama kami

Bersama denganmu, Papa
Kami merasa tenang dan nyaman
Teladanmu tentang kesabaran, keikhlasan dan kesederhanaan
Akan kami amalkan sampai tiba saatnya kita berjumpa lagi

Kenangan-kenangan indah bersamamu, Papa
Tak akan pernah hilang dari ingatan kami
Dan akan kami bawa sampai mati

Dan ketika hari itu akan tiba...
Segala daya dan upaya telah kami tempuh
Agar Papa dapat tetap berkumpul bersama kami disini
Namun Allah SWT sangat menyayangimu, Papa
Allah memanggil Papa untuk kembali disisi-Nya

Hanya do’a kami
Yang tak akan pernah lupa kami kirim untukmu, Papa tersayang
Agar Allah SWT...
Menerima Papa disisi-Nya
Menempatkan Papa di tempat yang terpuji
Mengampuni Papa dan menerima semua amal ibadah Papa
Memberikan tempat terindah di Surga untuk Papa
Menyayangi dan mengasihi Papa sebagaimana Papa menyayangi kami ketika kami kecil
Melapangkan kubur Papa, meneranginya dengan cahaya-Nya dan menjadikannya taman dari taman Surga

Seperti pesan terakhir Papa
Kami tidak akan menangis
Kami akan bangkit dan melanjutkan semua harapan Papa
Perpisahan ini cuma sebentar saja, Papa
Insya Allah, kita akan dipertemukan kembali
Di tempat yang jauh lebih indah, Papa
Di Surga Allah yang abadi...

Amin Ya Robbal alamin

Dari Ananda Tersayang


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This Life

This Life

I woke up
I realize
I have to be strong and patient
I have to seek Allah's help

Life is too short
World is too fake
Times will end
Everything will gone

This earthly life
and this world
will never be perfect
and without problems

I prefer the life of the hereafter
where is better
and longer lasting

*Will see you soon Papa, someday...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dear Papa

Dear Papa

From now on will be a lot of posts that I dedicated for my father, my PAPA.
Papa is everything to me. The only person in the whole world understand me so well, even more.

**I am in the office now and I am almost cry everytime I remember him.

He's gone now and I can't believe I used past tense to tell story bout him. I love him so much and for sure I am gonna miss him so much. He passed away too quickly. I can't even say goodbye and thanks to him. I just being so close to him when he retired and I finished my degree from Australia. He's the best. He always help me to reach my dream and one of my dream is having degree overseas and I reached it because of Allah, Papa's support and Mama & Papa's prayers.

My other dream is working for PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of big 4 accounting firm. I reached it too. And again because of Allah, Papa's help and prayer and I did it all for Papa.

I wanna be like my Papa someday. Dedicated person for not only his family, but for people around him, for ummah and for his country.

I think I should go now. Back to work again. Next time I'll tell the story about my Papa again.

I miss you, Papa. When will we meet again, Pa?



Sunday, September 11, 2005

kondangan oh kondangan...

kondangan oh kondangan...

ahuahahaha...di bulan september banyak sekali kondangan...
hampir tiap weekend ada undangan...
alhasil nemenin nyokap gw...
ahuahaua... tdk bisa menonton tipi deh...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

make a poem, guys!

make a poem, guys!

you know what...
make a poem make me feel better
feel alright
feel all good

i found a friend in my loneliness
so now my friend not only loneliness :)

i used to write my poems on my book, my poems' book
yet now i think i better share it here

make a poem, i feel like i talk to someone or something maybe
make a poem, i feel like i found a friend to share
make a poem, i feel hmmm... why girls should have boyfriend??? they can have a poem...
*a bit silly that one...

at least a poem make me happier
never let me cry
never hurt my feeling

time to smile again
time to face the world on my own
time to stand up and tell the world
hey... i can be ... just by myself


dua sisi
yang berbatas
satu hati
tak terbalas

nestapa menyapa
asa tak tergapai
haruskah raih
kesetiaan abadi

cukup kan
sampai disini
kisah kita
di batas ini

selamat tinggal
yang datang
pasti pergi

-di batasku, memori-

Monday, August 29, 2005

When My Dream Comes True

Thanks to Ridwan for making my dream comes true. He put my poem titled "Yang Berlangit Ungu" into beautiful song. The song absolutely reflect my feelings when I made the poem. I listen to the song over and over again. Just soooooooooo beautiful!!! Just like what I want to "picturized" my poem.

I wish I can share it here so everyone visiting my blog can hear what Ridwan composed, but I don't know how to put it. Hehehehe...

Before closing, thanks again to Ridwan. The song just wonderfully done. Goodluck with your recording and stuff.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Yang Berlangit Ungu

Ada yang indah
di suatu malam yang teriring rintik hujan
Ada yang hilang
dan terasa mendalam

Itukah yang ternama
kesendirian jiwa?
Ataukah hanya
kehampaan rasa tanpa makna?

Ada yang anggun
di suatu malam yang berlangit ungu
Ada yang tercuri
dari dingin yang kelam tanpa bulan

Hanya luapan rindu
yang tenggelam dalam hembusan nafas
Hanya sebuah tanya
yang tersimpan erat tanpa jawab

7:58 pm
*Inspired by: The drizzle of the night. Jakarta yang hujan terus seharian. Jakarta yang macet terus seharian karena air yang "menggenang" dimana-mana. Malam yang kelam. Langit yang selalu membangkitkan inspirasi untuk dibikin puisi/prosa. Dan kesendirian.

**Seandainya gue bisa bikin lagu, nih prosa bisa gue jadiin lirik deh. Hehehe... Sayangnya gue gak bisa bikin lagu!!! Hiks hiks... Jadi buat teman-teman yang hobi bikin lagu dan berkenan menggunakan prosa/puisi gue sebagai lirik lagu boleh kirim email ke gue aja. Huahahaha... ngayal kali yee gue... Hehehe...

Friday, May 13, 2005


I am alone...
I am alone again
I am alone again on Friday...

I hate Friday

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Have you ever feel that you alone?
Have you?

Have you ever feel that you are something yet nothing?
Have you?

Have you ever once feel so low, damn low?
Have you?

Have you ever feel that everyone move on except you?
Have you?

I am down
I am broken
And I am down
And broken

Oh life...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Asli Jobless

Hehehe... Iya betul sekali saudara-saudaraku, gue emang lagi jobless nih. Meskipun demikian bukan berarti gue gak ada kerjaan. Kerjaan gue tiap hari adalah buka-buka koran kompas plus searching internet khusus bagian lowongan pekerjaan. Huahahaha....! Waduh...muka gue nih lama-lama bisa mirip koran lagi! Gara-gara kebanyakan gaul ama tuh makhluk.

Weleh...ini blogspot lama gak gue kunjungin koq mukanya berubah yah? Kaga bisa di bold dan diapa-apain.Apakah ini gara-gara gue pake MAC alias APPLE? Duh... susah neeehhh... Tulisannya kecil-kecil pula! *Gue koq protes mulu yah???

Oh iya... gue nge blog lagi gara-gara protesnya Kak Bimo nih! Gue juga terheran-heran ama die... busyettttt... blognya masih full commitment saudara-saudara!!! Gak kaya blog gue yang makin lama makin terlantar...ahuahahaha...!!!

Oh iya...mumpung ngeblog nih! Kalo ada yang mampir di blog gue dan tahu menahu mengenai lowongan kerja, tolong yah saya di email in atau di msg in....Hehehe...

Ya su ahh... gue mau cari-cari kerja lagi atau tempat kuliah atau tempat kursus atau tempat-tempat lain yang menghasilkan uang dan HALAL!!! Ahuahahaha...

*Gue sepertinya juga kebanyakan ketawa neehhh!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Allah Dekat Saja

Pernah aku bertanya
Allah Engkau di mana
Engkau pun menjawab
Aku dekat saja

Allah Maha Melihat
Segala yang kuperbuat
Dia Pengabul do’a
Hamba-Nya yang meminta

Setiap langkah yang kutempuh
Hendaklah tuju pada-Nya
Sebab bila bukan karena-Nya
Semua ‘kan tersia

Bila kuluruskan niatku
Allah ‘kan selamatkanku
Kutanamkan dalam hatiku
Allah dekat slalu

Mengingatkan pada sebuat ayat-Nya yang mulia
“ Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), bahwasanya Aku adalah dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdo’a apabila ia memohon kepada-Ku, maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala perintah)-Ku, dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepada-Ku, agar mereka selalu berada dalam kebenaran”
(Q.S. al-Baqarah : 185)

Setetes Embun

Jangankan lelaki biasa, Nabi pun terasa sunyi tanpa wanita. Tanpa mereka, hati, fikiran, perasaan lelaki akan resah. Masih mencari walaupun sudah ada segala- galanya. Apalagi yang tidak ada di syurga, namun Nabi Adam a.s. tetap merindukan siti hawa.

Kepada wanitalah lelaki memanggil ibu, istri atau puteri. Dijadikan mereka dari tulang rusuk yang bengkok untuk diluruskan oleh lelaki, tetapi kalau lelaki sendiri yang tidak lurus, tidak mungkin mampu hendak meluruskan mereka.

Tak logis kayu yang bengkok menghasilkan bayang-bayang yang lurus. Luruskanlah wanita dengan cara petunjuk Allah, karena mereka diciptakan begitu rupa oleh mereka. Didiklah mereka dengan panduan dari-Nya "JANGAN COBA JINAKKAN MEREKA DENGAN HARTA, NANTI MEREKA SEMAKIN LIAR, JANGAN HIBURKAN MEREKA DENGAN KECANTIKAN, NANTI MEREKA SEMAKIN MENDERITA".

Yang sementara itu tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah, Kenalkan mereka kepada Allah, zat yang kekal, disitulah kuncinya. AKAL SETIPIS RAMBUTNYA, TEBALKAN DENGAN ILMU, HATI SERAPUH KACA, KUATKAN DENGAN IMAN, PERASAAN SELEMBUT SUTERA, HIASILAH DENGAN AKHLAK.

Suburkanlah karena dari situlah nanti merka akan nampak penilaian dan keadilan Tuhan. Akan terhibur dan berbahagialah mereka, walaupun tidak jadi ratu cantik dunia, presiden ataupun perdana mentri negara atau women gladiator. Bisikkan ke telinga mereka bahwa kelembutan bukan suatu kelemahan. Itu bukan diskriminasi Tuhan. Sebaliknya disitulah kasih sayang Tuhan, karena rahim wanita yang lembut itulah yang mengandungkan lelaki2 wajah: negarawan, karyawan, jutawan dan wan-wan lain. Tidak akan lahir superman tanpa superwoman. Wanita yang lupa hakikat kejadiannya, pasti tidak terhibur dan tidak menghiburkan. Tanpa ilmu, iman dan akhlak, mereka bukan saja tidak bisa diluruskan, bahkan mereka pula membengkokkan.


Itulah akibatnya apabila wanita tidak kenal Tuhan. Mereka tidak akan kenal diri mereka sendiri, apalagi mengenal lelaki. Kini bukan saja banyak boss telah kehilangan secretary, bahkan anakpun akan kehilangan ibu, suami kehilangan istri dan bapa akan kehilangan puteri. Bila wanita durhaka dunia akan huru-hara. Bila tulang rusuk patah, rusaklah jantung, hati dan limpa. Para lelaki pula jangan hanya mengharap ketaatan tetapi binalah kepemimpinan.

Pastikan sebelum memimpin wanita menuju Allah PIMPINLAH DIRI SENDIRI DAHULU KEPADA-NYA. Jinakkan diri dengan Allah, niscaya jinaklah segala-galanya dibawah pimpinan kita.


Dikutip dari milis Padang Mbulan dari sebuah e-mail yang dipostingkan oleh Enny Handayani (1/12/1999).

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Ever Love

It is not easy to ever love someone
It never chusy to let them go from your life

Love is about trying hard
Love is again about sacrificing
Love is always need an understanding
Love is a never ending story line

Damn love!
Why love?


Last Night On Earth

It's the last night on earth before the great divide.
My hands are shaking time was never on our side.
And there's no such thing as a beautiful goodbye.
As an ordinary day I prayed for you a thousand times.

It's never enough no matter how many times I tried to tell to tell you this is love.

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I, I'm gonna love you until the day I die.
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth.
Like it's the last night on earth.

A penny for your thoughts, a picture so it lasts.
Let's knock down the walls of immortality.
Your fingers on my skin only you can hear my fear.
Only you can help me heal.
I see forever with you here.
It's never enough no matter how many miles stand between us this is love.

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I, I'm gonna love you until the day I die.
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth.

It's never enough.
No it's never enough.
(it's never enough).

The afterglow.
The horizon line.
The shadows fall.
Will you still be mine?
Will you still be mine?
Will you still be mine I ask?

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I, I'm gonna love you until the day I die.
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first?
I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth.

(D. Goodrem, B., C. Rojas)

Almost Here

Did I hear you right 'cause I thought you said let's think it over.
You have been my life and I never planned growing old without you.
Shadows bleeding through the light where the love once shined so bright came without a reason. Don't let go on us tonight.
Love's not always black and white.
Haven't I always loved you?

But when I need you you're almost here and I know that's not enough and when I'm with you I'm close to tears 'cause your only almost here.

I would change the world if I had a chance.
Oh won't you let me.
Treat me like a child, throw your arms around me.
Oh please protect me.

Bruised and battered by your words.
Dazed and shattered how it hurts.
Haven't I always loved you.

But when I need you you're almost here and I know that's not enough and when I'm with you I'm close to tears 'cause your only almost here.

Bruised and battered by your words.
Dazed and shattered how it hurts.
Haven't I always loved you.

But when I need you you're almost here well I never knew how far behind I'd left you and when I hold you your almost here.
Well I'm sorry that I took our love for granted and now I'm with you I'm close to tears 'cause I know I'm almost here.
Only almost here.

(B. McFadden, P. Barry, M. Taylor)

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Untuk Apalagi?

Cinta adalah rangkaian pesona hidup
Cinta adalah getaran senada dari gelombang rasa jiwa
Cinta terpahat unik di hati setiap insan
Cinta, selain cinta padaNya, tidak ada yang abadi

Dan ketika sebuah cinta dihadapkan pada sebuah pilihan
Dan ketika sebuah pilihan terlalu sulit untuk dibuat
Padahal bila sebuah cinta memang tulus
Maka jawabnya bahkan tak perlu dipikirkan
Karena hati sudah menjawab

Buat apalagi sebuah kisah dilanjutkan
Buat apalagi sebuah cinta terus dipertahankan
Buat apalagi sebuah kesetiaan diagungkan

Sudah waktunya untuk bangkit
Sudah waktunya menyalakan kembali cinta yang tersudut di ruang tanpa cahaya ini
Sudah waktunya untuk menegakkan sebuah monumen cinta

-untukku yang akan bangkit kembali-

"Miracle" Mosques Defy Tsunami Onslaught

Thursday 6 January 2005
"Miracle" Mosques Defy Tsunami Onslaught
Source: Channelnewsasia.com

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia : In Indonesia's tsunami wastelands on thenorthern tip of Sumatra island, little remains of whole towns lost to the colossal forces that came thundering in from the ocean.

But across these battered shores, dozens of mosques still stand, their minarets glinting defiantly in the sun - a phenomenon survivors in the deeply Islamic region credit as much to divine intervention as robust architecture.

"God's invisible hands prevents the mosque's destruction," saidMukhlis Khaeran, who saw the sea sweep away his home village of Baet outside the north Sumatran city of Banda Aceh, but leave the neighbourhood mosque relatively intact.

"He punishes us for our greed and arrogance but He will protect hishouse," Khaeran told AFP, his arms covered with injuries sustained in the disaster that killed at least 100,000 people around the north Sumatran province of Aceh.

Mosques are an everyday sight in most of Indonesia, but especially inAceh, credited with the being one of Islam's main gateways into the archipelago of islands which now forms the world's largest Muslim-populated country.

Despite a long-lasting independence struggle, Aceh, parts of which are under traditional Islamic sharia law, has remained a Muslim heartland for Indonesia, which mostly practices a very relaxed interpretation ofthe faith.

Spiritual beliefs in Aceh and around the Indian Ocean were tested to the limit on December 26 when an epic earthquake sent towers of watercrashing ashore, obliterating virtually everything in their path.

But while some spoke of "God's wrath", hundreds turned to their mosques, in panic for shelter from the advancing tides and later forspiritual comfort in a time of desperate need.

In the village of Kaju, also outside Banda Aceh, hundreds of homeswere annihilated while the local mosque suffered only a few cracks inthe walls.

"There is a saying among Acehnese that a mosque is God's house and no one can destroy it but God Himself," said Ismail Ishak, 42, who wasdigging rubble from his crumbled house while searching for seven ofhis relatives.

In Pasi Lhok, some 20 kilometres (12 miles) east of the north Acehtown of Sigli, 100 frightened people sheltering inside their mosquewere spared while almost every house in the surrounding five villages was pulverised, according to chief cleric Teungku Kaoy Ali.

In Meubolah, a town on Aceh's western coast less than 150 kilometres(95 miles) from the quake epicentre which bore the full force of thetsunami, leaving at least 10,000 dead, mosques stand sentinel over avanished town centre.

Banda Aceh resident Achyar said when he saw the waves pounding in from the sea, his first instinct was to turn and run for the nearest mosque.

"I climbed the mosque tower and hung on to an electric wire untilwater receded," he said. "Many of my friends, many of them ethnic Chinese, died because they climbed to the second floor of their shops and were trapped there," he said.

Another, less divine, explanation for the survival of the mosques isthat many are built much more sturdily than most of the other structures in the towns and cities of Aceh.

However one mosque in Sigli was made only of wood but still survived unscathed despite all the other buildings around it being destroyed.

Banda Aceh's grand Baiturrahman mosque suffered partial damage from the quake and tsunami, but proved invaluable to the city's survivorsin the minutes, hours and days that followed the cataclysm.

For many it became a rallying place to search for missing friends orrelatives, a makeshift hospital to treat the injured and a morgue tocollect the dead.

With much of Banda Aceh likely to remain in ruins for months, residents were quick to repay their debt to their cherished religious buildings, working swiftly to ensure the Baiturrahman mosque was one of the first places restored.

On Sunday, some 300 survivors gathered for their first prayers since their five-times daily ritual was halted - a major step on the longroad back to normality in Aceh.